Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So excited!!

I am beyond myself at the generosity of people some times. I try to do things for others a lot. Unfortunately it feels a little one sided at times. But when it reciprocated, it's oh so sweet! Don't get me wrong, I don't do things for people in the search for something in return. I am a natural born giver.

But just the other day, I was chatting with my friend, Andrea....and she offered to make me one of these!!
A ruffled camera strap!!

So I know you're pretty jealous right about now. I would be for sure! So I showed her a few fabric patterns that I like, but ultimately left it up to her as to which fabrics to use. My only requirement???

That it includes my signature green of course!! But the best part was that she said she already knew that that would be a must.. :)

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny! -- Loving the new blog set up! It's very "Amber-ized"!


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